Filming over the last few weeks has proved somewhat successful, with our initial ideas of a muted pallette, and darkness contrasting with artificial lighting producing some interesting visuals to work with. We have however, realised that due to the length and pace of the track we selected, more further filming must take place in order to complete the project. With the fast approcahing deadline in mind, We've also decided to alter the song slightly, chopping minor sections out of the song in order to cap the length of the track to a managable size.
Eleswhere in the project, our first ancillary task in the website, is all but finished, barring an image on the homepage we intend to replace with an image from our digipak. We've also began to plan our answers to the four evaluation questions, however we await the completion of the video before we can look to tackle the evaluation. Finally, with regards to our second ancillary task, the digipak, we've selected our desired images, taken from our footage, to feature on the pack. We now intend to use 'Photoshop' to find the appropriate template for the imagages and thus complete the pack.