Thursday 26 November 2009

Ideas so far

Now we've got ourselves a pool of ideas, a collection of specific visual elements, such as rain and birds and other as-yet obscure elements, all of which are connected by some vague idea in common. The elements are, generally, a bit depressing, such as the considerations we made for blood, broken bottles, wet, rainy streets at night and suchlike, but we figure that the nature of the song - while not so musically soul-crippling as, say, Nine Inch Nails or Bauhaus, is nonetheless appears to be lyrically concerned with anxiety, and in many respects anxiety for much of modern, western life itself. Therefore, we have decided upon visual themes to correspond with this, attempting to make the video, aptly named 'The Science of Fear', as subtly on-edge as possible, without being gratuitous.

We haven't, as of yet, started filming - me and George haven't seen each other in a bit due to George's absence, but as soon as we get together again we can go over everything we've planned and consider the most important question to start the filming process off - where exactly are we going to film? Bury St Edmunds is easy and well-known in terms of where to go, but may come across as too familiar. However, since neither of us can drive, it's going to be difficult to find anywhere else to scout out for locations. In all honesty, the location doesn't matter so much as what we intend to put there, or film there, so really it's not such a big problem. It just would make things a lot simpler if we knew exactly where to start the filming. We need to get some hard storyboarding done.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you have some ideas coming together - theme of anxiety linking to the name of the band is a good start. certainly your ideas about lighting could be used to represent this. locations too, will be key. time to get out and about with a camera and get some test shots. particularly if you are planning to shoot at night - you will need to be sure about light levels
